Critical Thinking


Much of our natural way of thinking can be biased, distorted, or prejudiced in some way, whereas critical thinking leads to enhanced judgement, innovation and better decision-making. Thinking critically is important to effectively and efficiently assess situations, analyse problems and determine possible solutions. Removing emotion, focusing on facts and assessing objectively to make a logical decision, results in justifiable conclusions, creative solutions and better business outcomes.

Learning objectives
  • Learn to recognise or develop an argument, use evidence in support of that argument, draw reasoned conclusions, and use information to solve problems.
  • Develop the following skills: Questioning, Listening, data gathering, experimentation, problem solving.
  • Nurture your curiosity and openness to new ideas and foster a healthy scepticism to question information from a wide range or sources.
Stream topics
Managerial Judgement and Decision Making

Ivana Gillard


Completion of this module will enable to you identify types of organisational problems where critical thinking is necessary (connect judgement, decision making and strategy). You will be able to apply a decision-making model to organisational problems and become aware of biases that can lead to ineffective decision making. You will also be able to then understand what you can do to make better decisions.

Managing Unconscious Bias

Julian Tatton


Unconscious bias is something we need to be first aware of and then understand how it affects our behaviour towards others (even in micro ways. Be able to ask yourself the following questions: What is unconscious bias? Am I biased? If it’s ‘unconscious’ can we do anything about it anyway? Lastly learn how unconscious bias affects how people perceive and process information and be able to critically ask - how do we change this?

Innovation and Creativity

Dr Julian Waters-Lynch


Build innovative and creative thinking skills for solving problems. Know and understand the principles of creative thinking using the creative process and the different uses for right brain vs left brain. Follow the steps outlined to use a structured, sequential approach to creative problem solving.

Design Thinking

Dr Julian Waters-Lynch


Demonstrate design thinking as a human centered process focusing on customers and their needs. Understand the role of empathy in the design-thinking process and demonstrate how to observe and convert observation data to insights.

Ethical Decision making

Zina O'Leary


Take a deep dive and examine the different options in ethical decision making, as well as being able to identify essential criteria for making ethical decisions. Be able to harness the ability to confidently engage in an ethical decision making process.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Peter Williams


This module assists you in being able to apply a challenge based approach or mindset to innovation and entrepreneurship. You will engage and learn with others and develop resilience in the innovation and entrepreneurship space.

Responding to Disparate Views (Logic and Argument)

Coming soon

Systems thinking

Richard Kelly


Apply systems thinking to a wide variety of social and technical systems, and apply knowledge of feedback loops and their likely impact on system behaviours. Participants will develop skills and apply concepts of Complex Systems to understand why systems are unpredictable.

Navigating Ambiguity

Coming soon

Project Management Process

Coming soon

Critical Thinking
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